Fear Illuminated

A free verse poem about reclaiming sovereignty

Teaghan Aston
Apr 28, 2021
Photo by Rohan Makhecha on Unsplash

Well, I must be doing something right
If my demons are trying to intimidate me
Why would they waste their time
Yelling threats in the dreams of those
Who are trying to make their peace
With fear instead of freeing
Themselves from it

“Don’t you dare question me”

A gnarly, fanged voice growled
From my subconscious
Just before I shot up from my slumber

But I will always question
I will always take steps
I will always choose
To be alive

I will no longer make deals
Or compromise
For my peace of freedom



Teaghan Aston

All things “woo” and mindfulness with roots tangled up in poetry and prose.